Alerta, vulnerabilidad en routers NetGear detectados. La vulnerabilidad publicada afecta varios modelos de routers de la marca Netgear, así como las puertas de enlace y amplificadores de señal de dicha marcha. Si tienes un router de esta marca y no esta funcionando de la manera correcta y/o no tengas acceso a la red o acceso a Internet, puede que necesites realizar algunas actualizaciones.
Fecha de alerta: 26 de Junio 2018
Solucion: Descargar la ultima versión del Firmware disponible para cada producto, desde la pagina oficial de soporte de netgear: soporte NetGear
Las vulnerabilidades solucionadas por parte del equipo de Netgear son:
- Configuración de seguridad errónea
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Inyección de comandos después de la autenticación
- Desbordamiento del bufer antes y después de la autenticación
- Revelación de información sensible
- Denegación de servicio
Recursos afectados y solución:
Security Advisory for Security Misconfiguration on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-0429
Security Advisory for Cross-Site Request Forgery on ReadyNAS OS 6, PSV-2017-1998
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-2248
Security Advisory for Pre-Authentication Buffer Overflow on Some Gateways, Routers, and Extenders, PSV-2017-3136
Security Advisory for Security Misconfiguration on ReadyNAS OS 6, PSV-2017-1999
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Buffer Overflow on Some Gateways, Routers, and Extenders, PSV-2017-2460
Security Advisory for Stored Cross-Site Scripting on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3101
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3133
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3152
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Buffer Overflow on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3154
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3155
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3156
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3157
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3158
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Command Injection on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3159
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Stack Overflow on Some Gateways and Routers, PSV-2017-3160
Security Advisory for Post-Authentication Stack Overflow on Some Routers, PSV-2017-3166
Security Advisory for Sensitive Information Disclosure on GS810EMX, PSV-2018-0220
Security Advisory for Denial of Service on Some Routers, PSV-2017-3169
Security Advisory for Denial of Service on Some Routers, PSV-2017-3168
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Vulnerabilidad corregida,! excelente trabajo amigos de survey work.! 😀